real rhesdias90dhiubogjntkreopf0-byiohjnkhmtgrefopgbihjkntgrefiogbjnkferogbkvnevkrgrihdvnihcfrj8ugbwerijn90gbitjrnefkovpbnfihjkhtgrfivbghtgrjeoidvjibfinopskcv9huigjn4krfovibjrtgnkfogbhitjgnkihnoykmhljumjupi7okjmpoyukhtgfsd
Click the "+ ADD" button to create a new blank emblem.
Open the browser console (Ctrl-Shift-J for Chrome, Ctrl-Shift-K for Firefox, Ctrl-Shift-I for Opera, F12 for IE).
Paste the code below into the console and press Enter, making sure you get everything from the emblem.emblem.load to the ending semi-colon. (You will get the emblem loaded with all its layers)
Close the console.
Click the "SAVE & USE" button in the top right corner.